2021 Annual Heirloom Tomato Plant Sale Info
April 9, 2021
Congratulations, we made it to spring 2021! May is right around the corner and everyone knows what that means… bomb cyclones dumping 15 inches of back breaking, branch busting snow on our newly leafed out trees and HEIRLOOM TOMATO PLANTS! Not necessarily in that order either.
That being said, with so much uncertainty looming over us, winter weather or otherwise, I am going to use this time to address a few questions you might have about this year’s heirloom plant sale.
1) Are you having your Annual Heirloom Plant Sale this year? YES!
2) What will the dates be? Uh, that’s where things get complicated. The pandemic is not over with us just yet and, as a result, numerous obstacles have greatly delayed our planting times. Unfortunately, our heirloom plants will not be ready until at least the end of May. I will post a firm sale date by April 23rd.
3) Will it be curbside pickup only or will you do a driveway sale? Currently we are planning a hybrid sale by offering plants in our online store and also allowing people to safely shop our sale in-person. The sale is still many weeks away and any in-person events will be subject to local guidelines.
4) Will it be at the same location? Yes. 1568 S. Fairfax St. Denver
5) What varieties will you have this year? Will you still have my favorites like Black Cherry, Black Krims and…? Yes and no. This year’s sale will be scaled back due to circumstances beyond our control. For this reason, we will have fewer varieties available but you can still expect to see many of your favorites. I will provide a list of our 2021 pepper and tomato varieties in another post by April 23rd.
6) I thought the tomato and pepper planting date was always Mother’s Day. Isn’t the end of May a little late to plant peppers and tomatoes? Absolutely not. Rest assured, in the Denver Metro Area, planting after Memorial Day can actually be an ideal time for peppers and tomatoes. Remember, tomatoes and peppers rely on night temperatures of at least 50 degrees for healthy growth. You can read more about when to plant tomatoes and peppers in Denver HERE.
I look forward to seeing everybody at the end of May.
Your message says you will post details on 2021 plant sale – types of tomatoes, cost, how to order on-line, etc. by April 23. How soon will I be able to order?
We have posted a new update this week detailing when you can place orders online, plant varieties and the sale we will be having in May. Click HERE to go to that post.